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Shrink PDF

Shrink the size of any PDF online for free in seconds. Quick, easy to use PDF compressor that doesn’t compromise the quality of your PDF file.

  • Free compression without registration
  • Works in your browser—no software needed
  • Shrink your PDF in a matter of seconds
Shrink PDFs on-the-Go
Smallpdf is a cloud-based service. You can shrink a PDF from anywhere with an internet connection—whether you’re using a computer, a tablet, or your mobile phone.
Smaller Files, Greater Possibilities
The smaller a file, the easier it is to work with them. After you shrink the size of a PDF, you can use our other online tools to share, edit, convert, or sign your file.
Shrink Your PDF on Any System
Need to shrink a PDF's file size on a Mac? No problem at all! Our online services mean our PDF tools can work their magic on all operating systems, including Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Shrink Other File Types
Shrink PDF has a lot more to offer than meets the eye. You can compress PDFs, but our compression tool also works with other file formats, including Excel, Word, and JPG images.
Safety & Privacy Ensured
When you shrink a PDF document file size with our tool, your data and compressed PDF files are secured through high-level TLS encryption. We’re also GDPR compliant and ISO/IEC 27001 certified.
Shrink Multiple PDFs at Once
With a Smallpdf Pro subscription, you can shrink multiple large PDF files at the same time. Batch PDF compression saves you time and energy. Give it a try with a 7-day free trial.

How To Shrink the Size of a PDF:

  1. Drop your large PDF into the toolbox above.
  2. Hit the compress button.
  3. We'll shrink your file in a matter of seconds.
  4. Select “Strong compression” for more power.
  5. Download your shrunken PDF file—done!