Insert page numbers in your PDF as easily as in Word. Our PDF tools are here to help you get things done—safely, smoothly, and for free.
Yes! Smallpdf lets you add page numbers to multiple PDFs in one go. With a couple of clicks, you can select where on the pages you want the numbers to appear, and even adjust the margins to keep everything looking clean. It's super easy: Just click ‘Choose Files’ in the upload box at the top of this page, and select the PDFs you want to add page numbers to. Then choose the page number position, set your margins, pick your starting page number, and download all of your page-numbered PDFs with one click. Presto!
You can easily add sequential page numbers to a PDF with Smallpdf. In fact, you can try it for free right now at the top of this page. Just upload your PDF, pick where you want your page numbers to appear, and download your sequentially numbered PDF.
You can combine multiple PDFs and add page numbers in two simple steps. First, combine your PDF files using a PDF merger. With the free Smallpdf Merge PDF tool, just upload the PDF files you want to merge, rearrange document pages as desired, and click ‘Finish’ to create a single PDF. Next, click the ‘Number Pages’ button that appears. Then just pick the options that suit you best—like page number location and margin settings—and the page numbers instantly appear across your newly merged PDF.
Of course, the choice is yours. With the Smallpdf Page Number tool, you can easily place page numbers at the top, bottom, or any corner of your PDF. You can even adjust your margins to make sure everything is easy to read. Try it now—just drop a PDF into the box at the top of this page, follow the prompts, and let our tool handle the rest in an instant.