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Working from home today?

Boost your productivity and get things done, on the go or while working from home, with Smallpdf’s handy suite of free tools.

Trusted by
25 million users in every country—including Antarctica!
Productivity tools people love
Working from home should be simple, easy and productive. With Smallpdf you can compress, sign, edit and share files anytime, anywhere.
PDFs Go From Meh to Yeah! in Just One Click
We make PDFs easy. Add text, fill in a form, sign a contract, and send it to one or more people to sign. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.
Edit PDF
Add text, shapes, images and freehand annotations to your PDF
eSign PDF
Create your signature, sign your PDF and request people to sign
Own the Day With iOS or Android
Burn through your to-do list in no time with our free companion apps for iOS and Android. Scan, edit, and sign documents on the go or in your pajamas. No judgment here
iPhone app
Scan, edit, sign and share documents with iPhone
Free download
Android app
Scan, edit, sign and share documents with Android
Free download
Big Ideas? Tiny Files!
The sky's the limit for your ideas, but file size shouldn’t be. With Smallpdf’s super-compression technology, your big ideas are auto-compressed into smaller file sizes for quick and easy transfer.
Compress PDF
Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality
Sharing small files with my editor is essential when I’m on the go with a new draft
Suzane K
Share files with anyone, anytime
Deliver your work and share files with family, friends and colleagues for free.
From:John D