The Smallpdf G Suite Application makes working with documents easy: Simply open PDFs and other files on your Google Drive with Smallpdf.
The Smallpdf G Suite Application makes working with documents easy: Simply open PDFs and other files on your Google Drive with Smallpdf.
How to Open PDFs on Your Google Drive in Smallpdf
Go to the Smallpdf G Suite Application on the G Suite Marketplace.
Hit 'install.'
Next, go to any PDF in your Drive.
Right click on the file and choose 'Open with' Smallpdf.
Enable Smallpdf's G Suite Application for your entire organization
Step 1: Log in as an admin
To enable Smallpdf's G Suite Application for your entire organization, you must first log in to G Suite as an administrator of your domain.

Step 2: Visit the G Suite Marketplace
Once you've logged in as an admin of your domain, head over to the Smallpdf G Suite Application on the G Suite Marketplace.

Step 3: Domain-wide installation
Finally, you'll need to grant Smallpdf the rights to install the Smallpdf G Suite Application for all of your domain's users.

Congrats! All of your domain's users can now open PDFs on their Google Drive in Smallpdf.