Convert HEIC to PDF With Ease
Our converter is super-easy to use. All you have to do is drag & drop your HEIC image into the box above, choose your output settings, and download your high-quality PDF. Couldn't be easier.
Secure & Private Conversions
Your photos are meant to be shared—but you choose with whom. Our TLS encryption keeps your files secure, and they're automatically deleted from our servers an hour after processing.
Free HEIC to PDF Converter
We believe that sharing your iPhone photos shouldn't cost a thing. That's why you can convert HEIC to PDF for free with Smallpdf. We also work with JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, WebP, and other formats.
Access From Anywhere
Just snapped a pic on your iPhone and need to upload it? As a cloud platform, you can access Smallpdf using any browser. Get the file type you need, right when you need it.
Quality You Can Count On
High-quality images deserve high-quality conversions. That’s what you get with the HEIC to PDF converter. Your PDF will be just as crisp and clear as your HEIC image was.
Benefits of HEIC to PDF
The HEIC picture format offers high-quality images in relatively small file sizes. It's only compatible with Apple products, though. Convert HEIC to PDF to share your images.