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Release of Liability Templates

Here you’ll find our collection of editable release of liability templates. Easy-to-update, download, share, print, and e-sign, you’ll be ready to go in minutes. Work faster and smarter without starting from scratch ever again.

Release of Liability Templates You Can Edit

Editing your release of liability template with Smallpdf is easy. Our editor allows you to add text, insert images, highlight, draw—you name it. You have access to more advanced options to e-sign, add pages, split, and reorganize your document as you need.

If you’re not using the Smallpdf editor and only downloading a template, you can use Microsoft Office or any other software of your choice to prepare your template. Once you’re happy with the contents of your document, use our other tools to finalize it, whether that’s compressing, e-signing, or merging.

Release of Liability Templates to Share and Download

Sharing a template with Smallpdf is very straightforward. Once your release of liability template is ready, click on the share icon on the top-right of the editor to generate a shareable link. Otherwise, if you’re working with a downloadable template, you can simply share via email.

Downloading is also very simple. You can click on a template’s image to start the download to your device. If the template opens in our editor instead, you can work on updating it right away. When it’s finalized, click the download button at the top-right of the page.

Customizable Templates at Zero Cost

Yes, that’s right! All of our release of liability templates are free to use with certain limitations. You can access all of our templates and document management tools without subscribing to a paid plan or signing up for a free Smallpdf account.

Once you’ve used up your free daily tasks, you need to wait for your free usage timer to reset before being able to use another template for free. If you’re in a hurry, you can sign up to a free trial to unlock unlimited access to all templates and tools. You can cancel anytime during the free trial if you change your mind.

Got Any Questions?

  • Can I reduce the size of a release of liability template?

    Yes, our editor has a built-in compress option you can access by clicking on the export button. Or, you can use our Compress PDF tool to shrink your files—even if they’re not in PDF format.

  • Are the templates available in Microsoft Word?

    Some templates can be downloaded in Word format right away. You can also change the format of your release of liability template using the export function in the editor or by using our converter tools.

  • Can I share a template with someone to sign?

    You can send a signature request to anyone using our eSign tool in minutes! Click on eSign in our list of tools or if you’re working in the editor, you’ll find eSign linked in the navigation bar at the top.

  • Can I change the format of a release of liability template?

    You can use our converter tools to change the format of your release of liability template to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, or PDF. Click on “Tools” in the top navigation bar to get started.

  • Is adding my company logo simple?

    Very simple. If you’re working in our editor, click on the insert image icon to scale your logo and position it anywhere on the page—done!

  • Does this template constitute legal advice?

    No, this template is just a general outline to help you get started. It’s not legal advice, so we recommend checking with a qualified professional about your specific situation.

  • Can I use this template as-is?

    You can, but please use it carefully. If you’re unsure, talk to a legal professional. They can give you advice tailored to your situation.

  • Is Smallpdf responsible if something goes wrong?

    We’re happy to provide this template to help you out, but we can’t take responsibility for how you use it or any issues that might come up. Use it at your own discretion!

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