With the help of Smallpdf’s free tools, you can convert JPGs to PDF format and compress PDF to 200KB—no registration or payment required.
With the help of Smallpdf’s free tools, you can convert JPGs to PDF format and compress PDF to 200KB—no registration or payment required.
When it’s time to submit an electronic document, there are two factors you’ll probably have to keep in mind: your file’s format and its size. If your file isn’t stored in the correct format, or if it exceeds a predetermined MB or KB threshold, you may be unable to upload it without making a few adjustments.
For example, let’s say you’re in a situation where you need to share a document as a PDF that’s smaller than 200 KB, but the file you’re trying to upload is stored as a large JPG. If you don’t already know how to compress a file or convert it from one format to another, you may be wondering what to do next.
Luckily, Smallpdf’s free online tools can make it easy for people to compress image to PDF—even if they haven’t had experience with this process in the past. Once you’ve finished reading this guide, you’ll know exactly how to compress JPG to PDF.
How to Convert JPG to PDF at 200 KB for Free
Go to the JPG to PDF tool, drag and drop your JPG in.
Drag and drop your JPG in.
Click “Convert.”
On your results page, select “Compress.”
Choose “Basic compression” and click “Compress” again.
Download your converted and compressed PDF!

That explains how Smallpdf converts and compresses JPGs, but our service also accepts other image formats (including PNG, TIFF, and BMP). The Small pdf.com JPG to PDF feature even supports mixed image formats, which means you can upload multiple images stored in any compatible format. When you do, we’ll combine these photos into a single PDF before compressing the output file.
My PDF Isn’t Small Enough!
While Smallpdf’s Basic compression is often powerful enough to get PDF files under 200 KB, that isn’t always the case. If you start the Smallpdf JPG-to-PDF conversion/compression process with an exceptionally large JPG, your result could still be above the 200 KB threshold.
The good news is that Smallpdf’s “Strong compression” mode can make your file’s size even smaller by pushing our image-to-PDF compressor’s compression rate even further than usual. Unlike Basic compression, this mode will reduce your file’s image quality—but it will also give you a much smaller file, making it easier to compress PDF to 200KB or less.
Strong compression is exclusive to Smallpdf Pro users, but we offer a free seven-day trial so users can enjoy a “test drive” of this feature without paying for a subscription. You’ll also be able to enjoy additional Smallpdf Pro perks (including unlimited batch conversion and compression) during your trial period!
What Else Can Smallpdf Do?
Smallpdf is great at compressing JPG files and converting them to PDF format, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to compressing PDFs and converting JPG to PDF, Smallpdf users can benefit from the other free tools we offer. These tools include:
If you have a non-searchable PDF, finding a specific passage in this document will be a hassle. Save time and effort by using our OCR on PDF tool, which turns these files into searchable PDFs in moments.
Merge PDF
Do you need to send multiple PDFs to someone for work or school? If so, combining these files into one document can make things easier for you and the person you’re sending them to—and our PDF combiner can do just that.
PDF Annotator
PDFs aren’t always the easiest files to edit, which can be unfortunate if you want to write or draw on these documents. To make this easier for yourself, upload your PDFs to our free PDF annotator.
eSign PDF
As a freelancer or a business owner, you need a way to get contracts sent and signed ASAP. Our eSign tool takes the stress out of this process by giving you the power to collect legal, secure electronic signatures.
AI PDF Summarizer
With our AI PDF Summarizer, Smallpdf users can get easy-to-understand summaries of complicated documents. This feature is one of several AI-powered Smallpdf tools, such as Translate PDF and Chat with PDF.
Compress Image to PDF Online
For many people, the thought of having to compress JPG to PDF can be intimidating. Fortunately, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to complete this process. Instead, you can shrink and convert images the easy way with the help of Smallpdf’s intuitive, accessible image-to-PDF compressor.
As a Smallpdf user, you can compress/convert JPGs and take advantage of our other tools on any device with an internet connection (or one of our dedicated apps). And if our Basic compression mode is enough for you to convert JPG to PDF at 200 KB or less, you’ll be able to handle this task for free!