An easy and simple tool to convert GIFs to JPG images for free. Join millions of users today—no signup and no watermarks.
An easy and simple tool to convert GIFs to JPG images for free. Join millions of users today—no signup and no watermarks.
Do you have animated GIF files that need to be converted into static and compressed JPG format? We’ve got you covered.
Smallpdf can process many file types to and from PDF. By combining the image to PDF and PDF to image converters, you can effortlessly convert GIF to JPG within a few seconds. Check out the full instructions below.
How To Convert GIF to JPG
Go to the GIF converter page.
Drop your GIF into the toolbox.
Click on “Export As” and choose “Image.”
Choose “Convert entire pages.”
Download your new JPG file.

From GIF to JPG in five easy steps
Voila! With our fast speed and potent processing, changing your image formats shouldn’t take more than a few seconds. And yes, as we’ve mentioned, it’s free as well.
Image Quality
Our software conversion formula was built to maintain high image quality, even when compressed—turning a GIF into a JPG does just that.
When you first upload your GIF image file, you get a few styling options for your JPG. Among these are your image’s letter size, orientation, and margins. This way, you can even manipulate how you want the JPG to turn out in the end.
Free users can use our tools a limited number of times per day. The file size limit is 5GB, which is more than enough to convert almost any GIF file out there. If you’d like to drop in multiple documents at once, grab yourself a Pro account, which will activate “batch processing.” The price is a cup of coffee ($3) every month. Image file manipulation made easy!
If you’re not sure you want to spend money on our tools, why not go for a test drive? Smallpdf offers a 7-day free trial that’ll give you access to all premium features, including batch processing. After the trial, you can decide whether to keep going or return to being a free user.
Cloud Platform
The GIF to JPG conversion process takes place on the cloud, meaning that your device doesn’t need to meet any hardware requirements, and you won’t need to download anything to get started.
It also means you can access Smallpdf to convert your images on your Mac, Windows, or Linux. Furthermore, any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari) can access Smallpdf. As long as you’re connected to the internet, you can use Smallpdf.
Other Cool Tools
You know by now that GIFs can be converted to JPG or PDF with our website. But that’s not all; here’s a little snippet of what else we can do:
- All-In-One Converter - Save files to Excel, PPT, and Word.
- Edit - Annotate PDF documents.
- Merge - Combine multiple files.
- Compress - Reduce the file size even more.
- eSign - Sign contracts and documents with a digital signature.
We take the utmost caution when it comes to handling digital documents. Whether it’s a GIF, TIFF, JPG, PNG, PDF, or Microsoft Office file, Smallpdf uses TLS encryption for all upload and download processes and ensures to remove them from our servers after an hour of processing.
Moreover, your files are never read, analyzed, or viewed in any way, shape, or form. Millions of people from all over the world take advantage of our software every month to simplify how they work with their electronic files, and you should, too!

Mind-blowing GIF to JPG conversion capability