A contractor invoice is used to list services or products charged. This template is suitable for contractors, freelancers and business owners.
You don't need to sign up for a Smallpdf account to use the Contractor Invoice-it's totally free.
The Contractor Invoice is compatible with Google Docs and Microsoft Word. Simply convert it using our converter and export it in the file format you need. If you're using the template in our Edit tool, you can use the export function to choose the format you need.
To download the Contractor Invoice, just click on the template's image above. It will either download straight away or you can download from our editor after customizing it-done!
The simplest way to apply changes and customize the Contractor Invoice is by clicking on the template's image to open it in our editor. Alternatively, if you download the template as a Word or Excel document, you can edit it in MS Office.
To make the Contractor Invoice printable, just export it by clicking on download and then print it. If you're clicking on Use Template, you can access the print settings in the file menu of our editor.